Group Exercise Classes
Dauntless offers an unbelievable variety of group classes. Classes are free with your membership and a great way to find consistency and camaraderie. Our friendly instructors bring you over 30 different class offerings. Classes range in style from cycle (know by our members as Rage), strength classes, yogas, meditations, rhythm based classes, kid friendly classes, senior/rehab classes, and functional training classes. Please use the Club Dauntless app to view class schedules by location and to book.
Download the Club Dauntless Mobile App to stay informed and keep updated class schedules at your fingertips
Live Streaming
Welcome to Club Dauntless’s Live-Stream Classes!
Club Dauntless is currently closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. However! We are happy to bring free, Live-Streamed classes to our community members. Join us for live classes. If you miss it live, NO WORRIES. The recorded classes are available here!
- Prime Fit W/ Jen 7.24.20
- Mob w/Natalie 5/1
- Spartan Workout 4/29
- Ignite w/ Molly 4/29
- Kidfit w/Jen 4/29
- Ragecycle w/Kyle 4/27
- Bootcamp w/Rinda 4.27
- Rawburn w/Jen 4.24
- Mob w/Tiffany 4.22
- Ragecycle w/Rinda 4.22
- Oula w/Rebekah 4.22
- Strong w/Lindsay 4.20
- HardCore w/Kyle 4.20
- Primefit w/ Serena 4.17
- Meditation w/Haley 4.15
- Spartan Workout 4.15
- Hardcore w/ Rebekah 4.13
- Zumba w/Lindsay 4.13
- 80s Dance Party w/ Jen 4.9.20
- Strength BC w/Donella 4.9.20
- Spartan Workout w/Kyle 4.8.20
- KidFit w/Rebekah 4.8.20
- Primefit w/Serena 4.7.20
- Hardcore w/Wendy 4.7.20
- Yoga w/Wendy 4.7.20
- Zumba w/Christine 4.6.20
- Yoga w/Haley 4.6.20
- Family Dance Party w/Jen
- Fusion w/Jen,Serena and Katie
- Ignite w/Ana, Serena and Katie
- Yoga w/Haley and Stacey
- HardCore w/Lindsay and her Mom 🙂
- PrimeFit w/Markay
- Mob w/Tiffany
- Rock Bottom w/Chelsey, Amber and Tori
- MOB w/Serena & Natalie
- Raw Burn w/ Jen, Nicole and Brandon
- Pound w/Katie & Jen
- Fusion w/Suzanne
- Oula w/Rebekah, Megan and Amy
- Ignite w/Kyle
- Quigong w/Cynthia
- Ignite w/Tiffany
- HardCore w/Kyle
- Fusion w/Jen
- RawBurn w/Jen
- Bootcamp w/Rinda
- Zumba w/Anna
- HardCore w/Rebekah
- RockBottom w/Lindsay
- Oula w/Rebekah
- PrimeFit w/Dianna
- Strong by Zumba w/Lindsay
- HardCore with Kyle
- Ignite with Kyle
- Fusion with Jen
Always bring a water in a closed container and there are towels available at the front desk. Give your body and brain 3 – 5 classes to learn the new movements. Modifications and intensity options are built in to every class. Let your instructor know if you have any injuries or are pregnant.